Andrikopoulos Konstantinos


Phone: (+30) 2610 997117
Fax: (+30) 2610 997122
Email: KAndrikopoulosatWINDOWSLIVE.COM


Andrikopoulos Konstantinos graduated from the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras with a BSc in Chemistry in 2017. During 2014-15 he completed his research work on “Issues of Instrumental Chemical Analysis” for his diploma thesis, at the Instumental Chemical Analysis Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, supervised by Prof. D. Kalogianni. In April of 2017 he was enrolled as postgraduate student in a research program entitled "Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Advanced Polymeric and Nanostructured Materials" at the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, supervised by Professor J. Kallitsis. Since June,2019 he has been working on a PhD thesis in the doctoral program of the Department of Cheimstry, University o Patras, supervised by Professor J. K. Kallitsis.