Tsagdh Artemis


Email: artemis.tsagdhatgmail.com


Tsagdh Artemis, graduated in 2016 with a degree in Chemistry from the University of Patras. In the year 2015-2016 she completed her research work on “Quality control physicochemical analysis at all stages of beer production-Analysis of acidity of wines produced by fermentation of Corinthian currant residues at low” in Athenian Brewery S.A.- Patras in cooperation with the Department of Chemistry, in the Division of Food Chemistry, supervised by Assistant  Professor A. Bekatorou. In October of 2016 she enrolled as postgraduate student in a research program entitled "Synthesis and study of the properties of alkaline polymer membranes for energy applications" at the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras. She is currently working in DEMO S.A..